Diane first discovered Pilates in 2002, when she started taking mat classes and private lessons at Ann Turner Studio in Fairbanks. Years of physical training and an active lifestyle kept her fit, but she was inspired by the strength, vitality and mental focus that she experienced through Pilates.

Her enthusiasm for the Pilates method prompted her to look toward Pilates as a second career in anticipation of retirement from the University of Alaska-Fairbanks.

She initially earned certification in 2010 through Peak Pilates. Then, in 2011, she entered the Romana’s Pilates comprehensive training program at Seattle Pilates International Studio, with Ann Turner and Pilates Seattle International jointly overseeing her apprenticeship. She completed training seminars with Romana's Pilates Senior Instructor Lauren Stephen, Romana's Pilates Master Instructor Trainer Roxanne Richards-Huang, and Romana's Pilates Grand Master Instructor Trainer Cynthia Lochard. Diane completed her comprehensive certification in 2014.

Diane retired from UAF in 2012 with professor emerita status after serving 23 years on the faculty of Elmer E. Rasmuson Library.  Pilates is an ongoing learning experience for her as she progresses as a teacher and enthusiastic practitioner.

Diane leads an active life enjoying her dogs and the Alaskan outdoors.  Her husband Roger is a professor of biology at UAF and is also an advocate for the strengthening, and rehabilitative value of the method.
Diane Ruess
Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.
- Joseph H. Pilates
Downtown Pilates
Joseph Pilates
Joseph Pilates